Hillel-Gossip List?

Word on the street is that there’s a Hillel-gossip email list that calls this blog a “failed experiment.” But how exactly is this blog a failed experiment? First of all, you can’t be a failed experiment without first being an experiment. This blog wasn’t an experiment, unless the experiment was testing whether the author could think of snarky things to say about Hillel (success!).

And failed? We got tons of hits, influenced an unimportant election, pissed people off, made people laugh, revealed KP as a power-hungry monster and NH as anti-Semitic robot, and overall had a fun time. Nothing wrong with that.


SECRET ROBOT OR NO??? I'M ONLY ASKINGI am only asking questions so don’t think that I’m crazy or something I’m just a regular guy like you (or me) and I’m looking for somebody to tell me whether Nell is actually a SECRET ANTI-SEMITIC ROBOT? I’m just asking the question which is completely allowed we live in a democracy not a quietocracy and I’m only asking questions.

“What is the irrefutable and suggestive evidence?” you ask, so I will tell you. One is that NH looks EXACTLY like a SECRET ROBOT. The other evidence comes from “her” (or should I say, The Robot’s?) position paper. It claims, “The President of Steering Committee is a person as well as a position.” Why would Nell feel the need to assert that the president of SC is a person unless IT WERE A ROBOT. 

In addition to this VERY suggestive evidence there is more other suggestive evidence that NH might be a secret robot. She also dances and robots are well-known to be dancing often also.

Oh, finally, you say “Ok so maybe she is a secret robot, but how do you know she is an anti-semitic robot?” Well to that I would say why ELSE WOULD A ROBOT RUN FOR STEERING COMMITTEE????

I think that voters should demand an immediate clarification from NH and her campaign:

1) Is she in fact a secret robot?

2) Will she renounce anti-semitism?

3) How will she juggle being a robot and being on SC? What if her batteries run out? Will there be backups or is she the kind of robot with longer charged batteries?

These and other questions NEED TO BE ASKED…

SC Election Results

Results are already coming in for the upcoming SC elections!

This blog is now able to call the election of VP for Shabbat and Holidays to JJ! Also, it seems AK has won it for ComBuild.  ComRel and Pres are TOO CLOSE TO CALL at this time. And VP of Education has finally been eliminated from SC.

Religious Life: Content to be added soon


…[sigh]…so true.

The Best of the PJA Email Chain


“On behalf of the RJA Executive Board…. “

What is the RJA, and what is their executive board? It certainly sounds important, but I’ve never heard of the RJA.


Really Jewish Asians

Republicans Join Arms!

Racist Joint Assembly

Ranting John Adams

Bizarro PJA?

“However, the metaphors that he uses to describe Israel and the fact that he feels comfortable performing at a cafe called “Cafe Intifada” should raise alarm bells. “

Maybe more people would come to Cafe Hillel if we renamed it Cafe Intifada?

“I’m all for free speech, but if Hillel funds really were used to pay for this guy’s air ticket, the Hillel has betrayed its ideological roots…”

I agree: Hillel would be betraying it’s most cherished ideal by paying for the poet…frugality! Seriously, I hope we didn’t pay for the guy’s air ticket in the current financial climate.

“Coval was also featured two months ago in Shorashim’s Club Israel”

Club Israel=Less Popular than Cafe Intifada.

[10 PM, outside of Club Israel]

A: What do you mean that I can’t get in?

Bouncer: I’m sorry, but we’re full.

[Opens rope for guy with pale skin and his mother on his arm]

“That he doesn’t speak to the complicated inner struggle of those who couldn’t see Operation Cast Lead in simple black and white terms?”

…and instead only saw it in black.

“After some thought, I’ve come to understand the title of that reading “Hero Israel” … it’s like, Hear O’Israel” like Shma Yisrael … from the content of the poem not so much that Israel is Heroic.”

That’s 100 points for the angry freshman! Let’s move on to Jewish Puns for 200.

“I do not know whether Hillel funds were actually used, but if they were, I would like to suggest that this issue be brought up at an upcoming Hillel Steering Committee meeting, a meeting that might be able to serve as a forum to discuss -and clarify Hillel’s policy- towards this and similar past (and potentially future) events. ”

Ah! A fresh idea, something that’s never been suggested before: a meeting to have all HSI-folk try to ostractize PJA from the community.

And now, a poem.

Why I stopped going to Synagogue

by Hillel Gossip

candy man says

you’re too old son i don’t think

that you should be taking candy from



by and i say

no fuck you

candy man

“As a Jew who considers himself a cross between a hawk and dove, I know internal struggle also.”

The most deadly, vicious peace keeper known to nature: the dawk! Also, a DC comic book line:


Thoughts on how SC is doing?

I ask the question, though it might be the wrong one to ask. The better question should be, how is Hillel doing this semester? Are we doing what we need to be doing, or are we failing?

Anybody have any thoughts? Include them in the comments below, or email hillelgossip@gmail.com.

Until someone at Hillel does something ridiculous or I get bored again

Blog is dead

This social experiment was an unquestionable failure

Unless the point was to demonstrate how boring everyone here would be if we were all given free-reign of a blog. Job well done Hillelgossip.

Or maybe everyone’s comments were just too scandalous to post and therefore stifled by the powers-that-be. Who knows?

Yonah is a girl’s name

Agree?  Disagree?

-hg interloper